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Private Review Request

Join us for a Sailing Class Private Review Session: $100 per hour (2-hour minimum)

For those sailors who want a private review of course material on a 31′ – 34′ sailboat with a USCG-licensed instructor. With the approval of your instructor, you can integrate a check-out into your private sailing class.

Practical Checkouts: $300.00 (three Hours)

The purpose of the Practical Checkout is to assess the candidate’s sailing knowledge and ability to competently and safely handle a sailboat, under both sail and power, in all wind and sea conditions with confidence, precision and ease. Skills covered in the checkout include docking and maneuvering under power in tight quarters, reefing, coastal navigation, all points of sail with appropriate sail trim and steerage, controlled jibes, tacking, anchoring, crew overboard recovery, proper boat set-up and securing, and more. Please note that a Practical Checkout might be required before you are able to bareboat through Pacific Sail.

Sailors must perform the following skills with competence and ease:

  • tight quarters maneuvering and challenging docking
  • reefing
  • coastal navigation
  • all points of sail with near perfect sail setting and steerage
  • sail shape and control
  • proper traveler use
  • controlled gybing
  • tacking
  • anchoring
  • man overboard
  • proper setup/take down
  • and more…

Review Course: $400.00

The Review Course (one day) is designed for students who have completed the Basic Keelboat & Basic Coastal Cruising Course or Bareboat Chartering Course, or those who have not been sailing recently and need to practice one or more on the water skills prior to challenging the Practical Checkout. During the Review, students have the opportunity to practice the sailing & maneuvering skills they will be tested on during the checkout. This is a one-day class conducted on our 30-34 foot wheel steering yachts. Subjects covered will include docking practice, man overboard procedures, navigation, traveler use, reefing, proper sail settings related to wind conditions, etc. Our USCG instructor can check students out to Bareboat charter if they pass all of the required skills necessary. Limited to four students.

Docking Practice: $280.00/person

This is the perfect option for students that have previous sailing knowledge and want to brush up on their docking skills or have taken our Basic Keelboat course and would like extra practice docking. You will spend 4 hours with one of our instructors perfecting your docking skills aboard one of our vessels.

If you would like to submit a Private Instruction Request, an office member will get in touch with you as soon as they can.