Pacific Sail Season is Kicking Off
Hello my fellow sailing enthusiasts, Darci here.

The harbor mouth is now open and steadily improving every day thanks to the hardworking dredge crew of the Santa Cruz Harbor.

Yes, there is scattered rain here and there due to it being early spring but there are no fair weather sailors here at Pacific Sail. Our love for sailing and teaching people how to sail trumps all discomforts, plus the winds have been pretty perfect. Luckily here in Santa Cruz beautiful sunny weather is not far behind its crisp spring forerunner.

Our instructors and skippers are amped to get out there and taste that fresh salty air. We have a few new captains joining our company this year and we are so happy to welcome them into our sailing family. For a list of our instructors please feel free to visit our instructor page on our website
We offer a variety of classes such as Basic Sailing for the new adventurer all the way through Bareboat Chartering so that you can one day take a luxurious trip to warmer waters such as the BVI’s. My students this past weekend, Brian and Po, were preparing to do just that. Here they are practicing their docking skills while keeping a close eye on on-coming traffic.

Captain Justin’s Students were also getting bareboat certified and passed with flying colors and smiling faces.
Here is John and Trevor all checked out and ready to go.

The sailing season has opened up just in time to experience the amazing migration of the Grey Whales. These majestic creatures migrate between its summer feeding grounds in the North Pacific and The Bering Sea and its winter breeding grounds in the lagoons of Baja California passing right by us. Come sign up for classes or charters and while your out on the water you might catch a glimpse of the whales swimming by.

copyright Brian Neel
Not only are there Grey Whales, you can also catch glimpses of Humpbacks, Sea lions, Sea otters, Harbor Porpoise, Sunfish, Dolphins, an array of native seabirds and maybe even a Shark.
Please visit our website for more information about signing up for classes and skipper charters.
We love what we do and we can’t wait to share our little slice of heaven with you.